Attendance Requirements
While students are able to complete work during non-traditional hours, the attendance requirement is met by the following:
- Complete work each school day listed in the Academic Calendar for a minimum of 3 hours (180 ACTIVE minutes.) Additional time will likely be required to stay on pace. Staying on pace means keeping up with daily assignments in all classes per assignment calendar. Students must spend approximately 1 hour per course per day in order to be successful. Depending on the student and course, being on pace may require more or less time.
- Remain current with all assignments. Remaining “current” with all assignments means being on pace with all program and teacher-assigned work.
- A student will be considered truant after 3 unexcused absences.
- Once notified, the school district maintains 100% discretion to pursue truancy fines or court action.
- A student who acquires 10 consecutive unexcused absences may be withdrawn from school rolls in accordance with district policy.
- Guardians must submit all absence excuses to the PH Cyber Coordinator Amy Kingerski at via email scan or FAX to 412-712-1048 Attention: Amy Kingerski
- Parent excuses should state the student’s name, date of the absence, and the reason for the absence. They should be handwritten and then scanned or faxed.
- The parent or guardian has 3 school days, from the date of the absence, to submit the excuse. If the Cyber Coordinator does not receive an excuse within 3 days of the absence, the absence will be recorded as an unexcused absence.
- Students who are unable to log into their school work, which could occur for a variety of reasons, must have an alternate plan in place to complete their work (such as attending the public library and using the computer). Students who are absent due to technical related issues must contact the Technology Department at 412-793-7000 ext 4150 for technical support and the legal guardian must contact the PH Cyber Coordinator, Amy Kingerski, with the reason for the absence and date and time of contact with Technical Support.