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Facilities Rental Information

The Board recognizes that although the primary purpose of the school buildings, facilities and property is to provide students with an appropriate learning environment, the Board may make school facilities available to individuals and community groups without discrimination and in accordance with this policy, provided the use does not interfere with the educational program of the schools and/or that intended use and related activities are appropriate for school-aged children and do not compromise the mission of Penn Hills School District.

The Penn Hills School District offers facility rental scheduling through FMX. We are no longer using ML Schedules. Users who had an account in ML Schedules were rolled over to FMX. When logging in with your email address as your username, please select "forgot password" to change your password in FMX.

If you are a new group, please create a group account and upload your certificate of insurance ("Penn Hills School District - 260 Aster Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15235" MUST be listed as the certificate holder). The minimum insurance coverage is $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate. Once you submit your group request, it will be reviewed by the system administrator. You will not be able to request space until a certificate of insurance is uploaded AND your group is approved by admin. 

Login to your FMX Account:

Create Account with FMX:

If you have questions about facility rentals, please email Mike Reposky, Director of Facilities, at or Stephanie Strauss, Director of Athletics & Activities, at


The Board directs that use of school facilities may be granted to individuals and community groups for the following types of activities:

  1. Instruction in any branch of education, learning and the arts, consistent with the school district's mission.
  2. Social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainment, subject to availability and fees.
  3. Polling places for holding primaries, elections and special elections as permitted or required by state law.
  4. Recreation, physical training and athletics, including competitive athletic contests for children and adults.
  5. Use of school district playing fields and the Fralic Center is subject to a separate annual, single or event contractual agreement with the school district.
  6. When weather conditions or emergency situations make it necessary to delay the opening of school, dismiss early, or close entirely, the change will be announced on local radio and television stations as well as the district website. These decisions to close school are made by the Superintendent of Schools based on all available information.
  7. When schools are closed or dismissed early, all activities, both public and private, are canceled.

The Board shall establish a schedule of fees for the use of school facilities by approved groups.[1]

Penn Hills residents are permitted to use the school district's outdoor facilities (fields, track, etc.) at their discretion provided they do not interfere with a PHSD group/team or an organized group who has reserved the facility and has a permit. Residents are authorized for light use of the facilities that will not cause any damage to the playing surfaces or equipment. Residents are not permitted to use school district facilities for revenue-producing activities, unless approved through a Facility Request Form.

Organized groups are required to submit a Facility Request Form and show proof of liability insurance in order to gain exclusive access to a facility (indoor and outdoor). Small groups will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

The Board shall retain the right, at any given time, to withdraw or cancel any permission previously granted for facility usage for any reason. The Board shall also have the right to establish organizational seniority. A list will be made available annually. School district needs for facilities will supersede any other activities, planned or unplanned, by any other group.



Contact Information

Michael Reposky
Director of Plant Services
(412) 793-7000, Ext. 1277

Christina McElwee 
(412) 793-7000, Ext. 1263