Flexible Instruction Plan
Student Expectations During Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)
All Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) count for student days, hence they are applied toward the statemandated 180 school-day requirement. The following guidelines were developed to provide clear expectations for students on Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs).
- Students are expected to log on to Canvas each day to check for communications from their teachers and to complete daily assignments.
- Student attendance will be taken during each instructional period via a live Teams Meet.
- Students are expected to follow the modified schedule and participate in the assigned Class Team Meets, complete lessons and class assignments for the day.
- Students are expected to put forth effort into assignment completion. • Students are expected to submit assignments according to teacher deadlines.
- Students are expected to participate in office hours if needed.
- Students are expected to maintain the student code of conduct, adhere to teacher norms, and academic integrity policies always.