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Enrollment Process

Students expressing interest in the Penn Hills Cyber Academy are expected to have basic computer skills and to be willing to follow all Academy guidelines.  Students must be able to manage their time and to work productively in an independent learning environment.

Penn Hills Cyber Academy, as part of its registration process, will review current transcripts and complete a diploma audit.  A student may be declined enrollment if Penn Hills School District staff determine enrollment in the Penn Hills Cyber Academy will not afford the student an opportunity to gain required credits and/or to meet graduation requirements in a timely fashion. Also, enrollment may be declined if Penn Hills School District staff determine Academy course options do not allow a student to continue his/her studies in a particular content area or course options do not match a student’s career focus and/or special interests.  Enrollment may be declined also for students who have pending disciplinary matters and/or for students who entered into legally binding agreements with the district in lieu of formal expulsion.

Interested students and their parents/guardians must complete all district enrollment forms as a means of confirming residency and program eligibility.  Upon receipt of registration forms and academic transcript, a representative of the Cyber Academy program will review all documents and confirm program eligibility based on progress made toward Penn Hills School District graduation requirements and current online course options.  Once eligibility has been confirmed, the student’s school counselor will contact each student to arrange an interview to discuss program expectations and guidelines and to discuss each student’s online scheduling options. Each student should investigate the specific subject requirements needed for admission to post-secondary schools of his/her choice and/or course requirements specific to his/her area of career interest.  

An Orientation will be scheduled for those students/families who wish to finalize their enrollment in Penn Hills Cyber Academy.  The orientation will cover topics relevant to login procedures, academic and technology support options, tips for online success, and so forth. 

Steps to becoming a Penn Hills Cyber Academy Student

  1. Register your child  with the Penn Hills School District-if they are not already a Penn Hills School District student.  

  2. School Counselor or Attendance Secretary notifies administration and Ms Amy Kingerski of desired enrollment.

  3. Student’s family and Penn Hills School District administration consider appropriateness for enrollment.

  4. An Interactive Family Orientation is scheduled and held.  

  5. Students complete an Interactive 5 school day Student Orientation, in person preferred however online available between the hours of 9 and 2. Students may attend Linton Instructional Centers  or the HS Instructional Centers depending on their home building. Students may take the school bus or use parent transportation to their home school. If staying all day the students may take bus transportation home. There is no mid day school bus transportation for any student who needs to arrive or leave earlier than the regular school day. The five day orientation consists of the first five days of the marking period and between the hours of 9 and 2.

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