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Now Available: My Ride K-12

Now Available: My Ride K-12
Now Available: My Ride K-12

The My Ride K-12 web and mobile app puts school bus schedules and notifications right in the palm of your hand.

With My Ride K-12, you can receive real-time bus arrival estimates, helping to reduce time spent waiting at the bus stop and ensuring students never miss the bus again. 

Student Ridership Alerts:

  • Quick access to planned bus schedules and estimated arrival times. 
  • Alerts for student pick-up and drop-off times and locations. 
  • Push notifications automatically inform parents of any bus status changes. 

Providing Parents with Security:

  • View stop locations, assigned routes, and scheduled pick-up times. 
  • GPS geolocation shows when to expect the bus each day. 
  • Consistent and up-to-date with routes set in Tyler's Student Transportation solution.

The My Ride K-12 app is available to all Penn Hills students. 

Click here or use the QR code for the app demonstration video. To download the app, use the QR codes below. 

For more information, please contact Krise Transportation at 412-573-1224.

QR Code for Google Store

QR Code for Google Store

QR Code for Apple Store

QR Code for Apple Store

Demonstration Video

Demonstration Video


Now Available: My Ride K-12