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Health and Safety Plan

The Penn Hills School District recognizes our role as a public school to provide a Free and Appropriate Education for all students who live within our borders. While operations continue to be impacted by COVID-19, Penn Hills School District remains committed to maintaining onsite learning options for interested K-12 families and offering a safe learning environment for our students and a safe working environment for our employees.

Penn Hills School District will continue to offer five (5) days onsite instruction for all K-12 students as of the first day of school on Monday, August 29, 2022. We will continue to honor the commitment made to those families who are not yet prepared to start transitioning back their students to onsite learning, and fully remote instruction will be made available through our Penn Hills Cyber Academy, which will continue to implement an asynchronous learning model that incorporates Edgenuity web-based software. As a supplement to fully remote learning, drop-in centers will remain accessible for the 22/23 school year at both Linton Middle School and Penn Hills High School. Appointments for drop-in center support will continue to be scheduled through our Penn Hills Cyber Academy Coordinator. Penn Hills School District will also continue its expansion of synchronous learning options for interested students. Designated classrooms have been enhanced over the summer to support active, real-time engagement between traditional classrooms operating onsite and those students studying at home via our synchronous learning option.As part of standard operating practices, Penn Hills School District will continue to follow COVID-19 mitigation strategies that were proven effective in the Penn Hills School District during this ongoing pandemic. Our planned strategies are in compliance with current Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations. We will continue to adjust strategies and protocols in response to updated guidance received from CDC, PA Department of Health, and Allegheny County Health Department.

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Coffee and a Conversation

Join us for a virtual cup and conversation at our fourth "Coffee and a Conversation" on Thursday, September 19 at 9:00 a.m.

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